Rogers Academy of Beauty

Student’s Right to Know
Rogers Academy of Beauty
Students Grievance Policy and Procedure:
Rogers Academy of Beauty will make every effort to resolve any student grievance that is not frivolous or without merit. The student must first try to resolve the problem though the Institute’s Student Grievance Policy and Procedure. The student must register the grievance in writing to the attention of the Academy’s Administration within 30 days of the date that the act which is the subject of the grievance occurred. Depending on the extent and nature of the complaint, interviews with appropriate staff and/or other students may be necessary to reach a final resolution of the complaint. The grievance will be reviewed by the Administration and a response will be sent to student in writing within 15 days of receiving the grievance. The initial response may not provide for final resolution of the matter, but will notify the student of continued investigation and actions taken. Should the student find the response to be unsatisfactory, the student may appeal the decision by contacting the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology at 1721 East Broadway, Tempe, Az. 85282-1611. Phone (480-784-4539).
Physical Demands and General Requirements of the Cosmetology Profession

Rogers Academy of Beauty is concerned with your success in the Beauty Industry. Students interested in pursuing a career as a Cosmetologist, Aesthetician or Instructor should be aware of the requirements for success. Students should be able to perform the day-to-day functions noted below:

  1. A student must have ability to do tasks, using their hands and fingers to grasp, handle, control, move, assemble, or feel objects or tools.
  2. A student must use stomach and lower back muscles to support the body. Students must have the ability to bend and twist the body while standing or sitting when servicing clients.
  3. A student must enjoy interacting with the public and able to follow a client’s direction. A student must be able to communicate well and help educate the client on the care of hair, nails or skin.
  4. A student must be willing and able to work long hours while building a personal clientele in order to earn the desired income.
  5. Strive to continually upgrade your abilities through educational classes, attendance at trade shows, seminars, and practice, practice, practice.
Requirements for Licensure

Requirements for admission to the licensing examination for the Arizona State Board of Cosmetology:

An applicant must be a graduate of a school of Cosmetology, and complete the required hours for the specified course. Applicant must make application and pay the required examination fee for the specific examination. Arizona administrative code R-4-10-108 states “The board shall conduct all examinations in English and applicants shall submit answers in English.”

All education and learning situations at Rogers Academy of Beauty are conducted in English, including classroom and clinic.

Rights to Privacy and File Access Policy

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the school follows policies that:

  1. Guarantee each student (or parent or guardian if the student is a dependent minor) access to that student’s records.
  2. Require written consent from the student or guardian for release of records in response to each third party request unless
    otherwise required by law.
  3. The school does not publish “directory information” about students.

Access to records must be arranged and requested in writing previously and a staff member must be present while the records are being reviewed. Copies of file documents may be obtained at a cost of fifty cents per copy. Cumulative education records are maintained for a minimum of five years after graduation or termination.

Drug Policy

The Rogers Academy of Beauty has a zero tolerance drug policy, and actively supports the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse. We are concerned with having a safe and drug-free environment. Penalties to be imposed on students and employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the school include:

  • Notification of the abuse to the proper authorities.
  • Immediate termination from enrollment/employment during which time the individual must consider the responsibilities reinstated that he/she will no longer participate in abuse activities affecting performance.
Crime Awareness
The Prescott Police Department will visit with students about self protection, personal safety and rape prevention. This will be scheduled periodically.
Crime Statistics (as of 2021)
Statistics concerning ¼ mile radius around the location of our facility for 2016 are as follows:
Sex Offenses
Aggravated Assault
Forgery / Fraud
Sexual Harassment Title IX Policy

Students, Instructors, and Staff are entitled to learn and work in an environment free of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is prohibited in any School-related activity. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances (including sexual assault), requests for sexual favors, and/or physical , verbal, or written conduct of a sexual nature when:

  1. Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, education, or participation in the School’s programs or activities, or
  2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for decisions pertaining to an individual’s employment, education, or participation in the School’s programs or activities, or
  3. Such speech or conduct is directed against another and is abusive or humiliating and persists after the objection of the person targeted by the speech or conduct, or
  4. Such conduct would be regarded by a reasonable person as creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment that substantially interferes with an individual’s work, education, or participation in the School’s programs or activities. Should you have reason to believe that you have been Sexually Harassed at the School or any of its activities ,you may contact the School’s Title IX Coordinator direct at 928-445-0805.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
The Institute does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, national origin, or Vietnam-era/disabled veteran, or on any other basis prohibited by federal or state law, in employment or in the application, admission, operation, participation, access and treatment of the School’s programs and activities.
Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance
Rogers Academy of Beauty is a newly built facility approved by the City of Prescott conforming to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines.
Section 504/ADA Policy

The Institute does not discriminate in admission or access to our program on the basis of age, race, color, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin. If you would like to request academic adjustments or auxiliary aids, please contact the Institute’s Business Manager, who is the Compliance Officer. You may request academic adjustments or auxiliary aids at any time. The Business Manager/Compliance Coordinator Officer is responsible for coordinating compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Applicants who are persons with disabilities, as defined in paragraph 104.3(j)of the regulation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may apply for admittance into the program. The Institute will work with the applicant or student to determine whether reasonable accommodations can be effective and/or are available.

Any qualified individual with a disability requesting an accommodation or auxiliary aid or service should follow this procedure:

  1. Notify the Business Manager in writing of the type of accommodation needed, date needed, documentation of the nature and extent of the disability,
    and the need for accommodation or auxiliary aid. The request should be made at least four weeks in advance of the date needed. You may contact
    Business Manager by telephone direct line at 928-445-0805.
  2. The Business Manager will respond within two weeks of receiving the request.
  3. If you would like to appeal the decision regarding your request, please contact the Institute’s Compliance Committee at 928-445-0805 with all the
    previously requested information. Appeals must be submitted within one week of the date of the Business Manager/Compliance Coordinator’s response.